Registration is now open for the 8th annual Lexington Parent Academy
Click to download the flyer
WHO: All interested Lexington families, adult caregivers and faculty
WHAT: 8th Annual Lexington Parent Academy. Participants can choose up to 3 workshops to attend throughout the day.
WHEN: Saturday March 19th 9:30-2:30
WHERE: Virtual through Zoom
WHY: The Parent Academy is designed to educate and empower parents and caregivers to manage the changing demands of parenting in today’s world, this is a free event for all interested parents and community members.
To Register and View Presenters and Workshop Descriptions click on the link below:
2022 Lexington Parent Academy Registration Link or scan the QR code
SPONSORED BY: The Lexington Public Schools SHAC (School Health Advisory Council), Town of Lexington Human Services Dept., Town of Lexington Recreation Dept., ABCL (Association of Black Citizens of Lexington), BALex (Bangladeshi Americans of Lexington), CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington), CALex (Chinese Americans of Lexington), Human Rights Committee, IAL (Indian Americans of Lexington), JPLex (Japan Support Group of Lexington), KOLex (Koreans of Lexington), LexFun (Lexington’s 5-and-under Network), Lexington Community Coalition, LexPride, LexSEPTA (Lexington Special Education PTA), PPC (PTO Presidents Council), LHS Forums Committee.
Please contact Julie Fenn, Assistant Coordinator of PE, Health and Wellness with any questions.